Chat messenger feature that is connected directly to our pulse server engine

Withdraw funds to a bank account / withdrawal Purchase vouchers / diamond games online PPOB payments (postpaid PLN, PDAM, telkom, BPJS, finance, cellphone bills, gas, cable TV, PBB, etc.) The features available in the application:

with customer service, POINS per different transactions, reedem / exchange points for attractive prizes or balances, and so on. With this application, you can easily check the latest credit prices, REGISTER as many as DOWNLINES with Mark Up prices that can be determined by yourself to get unlimited commissions from each downline transaction, view transaction history recap, history of changes to your balance, downline activity, chat.

This application makes it easy for you to make various transactions such as topping up credit, purchasing electricity tokens, purchasing internet packages, paying postpaid bills, purchasing game vouchers, online bank transfers, etc. Registration info (to get AGENT ID) can contact DENISHA PULSA Official Agents or our CS 089635111224.ĭENISHA PULSA android application is a free mobile application for the members DENISHA PULSA loyal wherever they are. Description The DENISHA PULSA application makes it easy for you to do top up, data & PPOB